

HAYDNEUM: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach 7.

HAYDNEUM: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach 7.

During the evening, the Haydn: Violin Concerto in C major, interpreted by Gábor Homoki, and the colorful, imaginative, and lively soundscape of Symphony No. 46, in B major, duly reflect Haydn's famous ars poetic: "The whole world understands my speech".

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Last event date: Monday, December 19 2022 7:00PM

HAYDNEUM: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach 7.

Joseph Haydn: Symphony in B Major Hob.1/46
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Harpsichord Concerto in G Major Wq 43/5
Joseph Haydn: Violin Concerto in C Major Hob.VIIa:1
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Harpsichord Concerto in D Major Wq 27

Miklós Spányi – harpsichord
Gábor Homoki – violin
Concerto Armonico
Artistic Director: Miklós Spányi
Concert Master: Gábor Homoki

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Selected silent films from the collection of the Seydoux-Pathé Foundation

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