

Bécs-Budapest Express: Veronika Huber's Hungarian Debut Concert with the Danubia Orchestra

Bécs-Budapest Express: Veronika Huber's Hungarian Debut Concert with the Danubia Orchestra


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Last event date: Saturday, November 25 2023 7:00PM


Edvard Grieg: Holberg-szvit op. 40
Joseph Haydn: D-dúr zongoraverseny Hob. XVIII:11

Bartók Béla: Divertimento
Dmitrij Sosztakovics: I. c-moll zongoraverseny, op. 35


Veronika Huber – piano
Danubia Orchestra

Conductor: Máté Hámori

Our offer

The title tune, an original of the pianist, which he composed for his niece, is in 3/4, however that is not the only feature resembling European classical influence. Impressionistic harmonies are also a staple of Evans. His evident, but quite accessible modernism does not conceal his deeply romantic soul.

Jü, formed in 2012, has become, by now, one of the most exciting jazz acts on the Hungarian music scene. With each successive release, the world of the Budapest-based trio band seems to become exponentially larger and encompass an ever-expanding range of vibrant and startling influences.

Trio MIT is a radiant fusion of diverse musical worlds, brought to life by Austrian pianist Christoph Cech, Syrian oud player Orwa Saleh, and the masterful violinist Andreas Schreiber. "MIT," an acronym for "Music in Touch," encapsulates their vision of music as a force that touches, unites, and engages in exchange.

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