

Egri & Pertis Piano Duo: Crosstalks 8. | If Mendelssohn had been an actor...

Egri & Pertis Piano Duo: Crosstalks 8. | If Mendelssohn had been an actor...


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Last event date: Friday, October 27 2023 7:00PM


Ludwig van Beethoven: Triumphal march from the incidental music „Stephen, the King – first Hero of Hungary“
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: „Midsummer Night's Dream” – incidental music for the Shakespeare drama – selections


Milij Alekszejevics Balakirev: „King Lear“ – excerptions
Edvard Grieg: „Peer Gynt“ based on the Ibsen drama – selections


Mónika Egri, Attila Pertis – piano
Host: Szilvia Becze

Our offer

The concert hosts a dialogue between generations, where experienced and young musicians present the richness of jazz together. They give insight into the traditions of Hungarian jazz and at the same time into its future.

Jü, formed in 2012, has become, by now, one of the most exciting jazz acts on the Hungarian music scene. With each successive release, the world of the Budapest-based trio band seems to become exponentially larger and encompass an ever-expanding range of vibrant and startling influences.

Springing off a sound reminiscent of acoustic piano trios of the 50s and 60s, Oùat explores the memory and perspectives of hand crafted, collective, music making. Jazz in its most open operative meaning, in which improvisation is a real necessity, stimulates the trio to confront and investigate our times of sounds and movements.

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