

Gershwin 125 - Modern Art Orchestra plays Porgy and Bess feat. Tony Lakatos, Jörg Achim Keller

Gershwin 125 - Modern Art Orchestra plays Porgy and Bess feat. Tony Lakatos, Jörg Achim Keller

Gershwin 125 – Tony Lakatos and Jörg Achim Keller join Modern Art Orchestra


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Last event date: Tuesday, September 26 2023 7:30PM

In the career of saxophone player Tony Lakatos, beyond the impressive series of his own records as a leader, Porgy and Bess is probably the most important classic piece of music. The Hungarian sax player just recently retired from the tenor section of the Hessische Rundfunk (HR) big band, where he played, among thousand of memorable musical moments, the lead role of the instrumental adaptation of the Gershwin opera (originally meant for Michael Brecker, who deceased in the meantime). The 2009 recording of the performance earned many awards all over the world, also in Hungary. The artistic director of the HR big band, Jörg Achim Keller made the arrangement, which also won further accolades in the form of a recent concert recording. Keller arrives to Budapest to conduct the MAO to crown his fruitful decades with Lakatos as an outstanding soloist. They, no doubt, live up to the standards laid down by Miles Davis and Gil Evans, who made the first, extremely popular instrumental recording of Porgy and Bess. Tony Lakatos has been featured by the Modern Art Orchestra a couple of times before, as he has never given up his presence on the Hungarian jazz scene. The performance takes place on the 125th anniversary of the birth of composer George Gershwin.


George Gershwin: Porgy and Bess


Tony Lakatos – saxophone
Jörg Achim Keller – drums
Modern Art Orchestra
Artistic director: Kornél Fekete-Kovács

Our offer

Springing off a sound reminiscent of acoustic piano trios of the 50s and 60s, Oùat explores the memory and perspectives of hand crafted, collective, music making. Jazz in its most open operative meaning, in which improvisation is a real necessity, stimulates the trio to confront and investigate our times of sounds and movements.

The quartet of István Grencsó, Szilárd Mezei, Ernő Hock and Szilveszter Miklós brings together musicians who all admire spontaneous music of the moment. After years of organizing, they performed together for the first time in February 2023.

The concert hosts a dialogue between generations, where experienced and young musicians present the richness of jazz together. They give insight into the traditions of Hungarian jazz and at the same time into its future.

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