

New Jazz From Finland / Superposition (FI)

New Jazz From Finland / Superposition (FI)

Superposition is a new explosive group from Helsinki. Led by drummer Olavi Louhivuori, the quartet features Linda Fredriksson and Adele Sauros on saxes and Mikael Saastamoinen on bass.  more

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Last event date: Friday, October 27 2023 8:00PM

Louhivuori is known from his solo projects, his band Oddarrang, plus his inspired work with the likes of Tomasz Stanko. Fredriksson is best known from Mopo and Saastamoinen OK:KO. Sauros ranks among the most noteworthy new rising stars in the Finnish scene. The band's debut album was released by Helsinki's We Jazz Records in March 2020.

On their debut album including 8 original compositions (6 by Louhivuori and one each by Fredriksson and Saastamoinen), Superposition present a powerful statement rich in musical ideas and solid in their execution. This is music for repeated listening, deep and darkly-toned yet bursting with the intensity of the new group. All throughout the album's different moods, Superposition sound remarkably together here. Superposition won the award for the Jazz album of the year at annual Finnish Emma Awards in 2020.


    Adele Sauros - tenor saxophone
    Linda Fredriksson - baritone and alto saxophone
    Mikael Saastamoinen - double bass
    Olavi Louhivuori - drums

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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In the eclectic programme of Zita Gereben and her orchestra, the songs have the characteristics of R’n’B, pop, blues and, of course, jazz. The Hungarian singer-songwriter founded her band in 2009; so far, they have recorded three albums of their own compositions, and are planning to release their fourth album this year.

The title tune, an original of the pianist, which he composed for his niece, is in 3/4, however that is not the only feature resembling European classical influence. Impressionistic harmonies are also a staple of Evans. His evident, but quite accessible modernism does not conceal his deeply romantic soul.

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