

Rozina Pátkai MINKA

Rozina Pátkai MINKA

The musical world of Rozina Pátkai's album Minka is the straight continuation of the artist's intermedia experiments (sound images, montages, performances) and the EM90 orchestra's album Bad word order, composed from the poems of Miklós Erdély.

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Last event date: Friday, August 16 2024 8:00PM

Rozina Pátkai - vocals
János Ávéd - saxophone
Bence Dóczi - guitar, sampler
István Tóth - bass guitar
Dániel Ferenc Szabó - dob
Márton Fenyvesi - sound design

The musical world of Rozina Pátkai's album Minka is the straight continuation of the artist's intermedia experiments (sound images, montages, performances) and the EM90 orchestra's album Bad word order, composed from the poems of Miklós Erdély. Rozina, with the help of guitarist, electronic musician and sound engineer Bence Dóczi, has moved from bossa nova to electronic music, a never resting sound world, and has found her way back from the Portuguese musical tradition to her mother tongue: the poems of Sándor Weöres, Endre Ady, Szilárd Borbély, Frigyes Karinthy, Mihály Víg, Árpád Tóth, Lajos Áprily and, last but not least, Minka Czóbel, whose first name became the title of the group’s first album. After their second album on poems by János Pilinszky, the band has now created ever-changing but always intense soundscapes from the poems of Sándor Petőfi, with an atmosphere that draws mainly from electronic dance music, free jazz and contemporary music. This time again, János Ávéd, Rozina's regular musical collaborator, also plays a key role, and the concert will be rounded out by the contributions of musicians with a wide range of musical skills and experience.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

Our offer

New Fossils emerges as a fresh force in Budapest's dynamic jazz landscape, blending youthful energy with seasoned expertise. Anchored by drummer Dániel Ferenc Szabó and bassist Marcell Gyányi, the band represents a convergence of top-tier talent from diverse musical backgrounds.

Tony Lakatos and Fabio Miano for this event, they formed a quartet with two stellar local musicians to play their own compositions besides some standards. Their music stays close to the so called straight-ahead jazz with bebop and hard bop elements, a characteristic swing, and Latin feel.

The band, celebrating its sixth birthday this year, has already come a long way, having performed in Italy, Poland, Spain, Slovakia, and making their debut in South Korea this year.

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