

Ránki – Stark – Devich: Piano Trios I. / Mozart and Schubert

Ránki – Stark – Devich: Piano Trios I. / Mozart and Schubert

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Trio in B flat major, K. 502
Franz Schubert: Trio No. 1 in B flat major, D. 898

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Last event date: Friday, January 06 2023 7:00PM

Ránki – Stark – Devich: Piano Trios I. / Mozart and Schubert

János Mátyás Stark – violin
Gergely Devich – cello
Fülöp Ránki – piano

The 2023 chamber music series by Fülöp Ránki, János Mátyás Stark and Gergely Devich will crown each of the four seasons with a concert at the BMC Concert Hall. The young artists will perform a selection of outstanding masterpieces from the piano trio repertoire, from Mozart to Ravel. The first three concerts feature two trios, sometimes highlighting the diversity and variety of the works, sometimes their commonalities, while the fourth programme includes a duo sonata, a testament to the musicians' long-standing duo collaborations.

The concert series returns to the beginnings of the piano trio's history. Mozart was one of the first to realize that the piano held more potential as a soloist in concertos and as a member of chamber ensembles than previously thought. The Trio in B flat major was written in 1786, at the height of Mozart's career. It is in three movements, like a concerto, and the piano solo is equally virtuosic. The two tender and playful outer movements encase a dreamlike slow movement of refined beauty.
Schubert wrote his own enchanting Trio in B flat major a year before his death, simultaneously to Winterreise – a greater contrast could not be imagined. In this piece, spontaneous melodies unfold, with cunning harmonies lurking beneath. The music is both full of vitality and intimate. Schumann is right: this trio makes the difficulties of human existence fade, so that the world shines with fresh colours again.

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