

Vivaldi árvaházi koncertjei 5.

Vivaldi árvaházi koncertjei 5.


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Last event date: Sunday, April 28 2019 7:30PM


Lakatos György – fagott
Concerto Armonico
Művészeti vezető: Spányi Miklós
Koncertmester: Homoki Gábor

Our offer

After four concerts in 2023, János Mátyás Stark, Gergely Devich and Fülöp Ránki are announcing a new series at the BMC, now under the name of Trio Haris. The third concert will feature two of the classical giants of the piano trio genre, Haydn and Beethoven.

The Modern Art Orchestra's À la MAO... series aims to present compositions and adaptations, sometimes originals, by members of the orchestra in a new context.

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